Are you involved in any practical solutions being undertaken right now to tackle the two most serious issues our country (and planet) have ever faced?
What do you think those two issues are? We don’t believe they are Brexit and Covid…or at least these two shouldn’t be looked at as problems because, put simply, neither of them are going away. We prefer to look at what can actually be addressed in the U.K.: (a) The Legally binding Emissions Crisis (b) Mass Unemployment.
On a recent visit to the majestical Wrightbus in Ballymena we were struck by the beauty and integrity of the manufacturing of buses… but not just any old buses. These buses hold the crown of the world’s first zero-emission hydrogen fuel-cell double deckers… and soon they will be on the streets of London, Aberdeen, and other responsible towns and cities racing to meet their emissions targets.
However, looking at the buses as they went through their various highly-skilled stages of manufacturing we were struck by another truth: that a Hydrogen economy directly combats emissions, whilst creating thousands of highly-skilled jobs. Zero-emission buses are just the tip of the (salvageable) iceberg.
For more about Ryze Hydrogen click here…